The Inclusive Faith Project Team
Abdulla Shiblaq – Disability Lead and Co-facilitator
Abdulla is a youth facilitator and youth worker. He has lived experience of disability and is of Muslim faith. Abdulla holds a postgraduate qualification in counselling and is passionate about capturing people’s stories and experiences in authentic and empowered ways.
Alt Text: A photo of a Abdulla smiling with round rimmed glasses.
Jill Shaw – Faith Lead and Co-facilitator
Jill Shaw informs and guides the Inclusive Faith Project around diversity in the areas of faith and religion. Jill is a chaplain at Massey University, and a volunteer with youth from refugee backgrounds, with a special interest in religious diversity in all areas, influence, and diverse sacred literatures. Jill is an international speaker, published writer, and consultant, whose previous work includes consultation with groups such as The United Nations.
Alt Text: A photo of Jill smiling with Lui the yellow Labrador behind her.
Sonia Thursby – Co-facilitator
Sonia Thursby has worked in the disability space for more than 40 years and is a person of faith. As the CEO of YES Disability Resource Centre Sonia actively works to support young people to be their best. Sonia is a Member of the NZ Order of Merit for services to people with disabilities.
Alt Text – A photo of Sonia smiling in horn-rimmed glasses.
Together we can increase our understanding and design a non-disabling faith community.
Alt Tex: Map of New Zealand
Hui participants from
Kaitaia to Invercargill
11 co-design hui nationwide
Rangatahi hui
Online hui
12 different faiths
Diverse range of disabilities

Alt Text: Image shows the logos of the Inclusive Faith Project partners – YES Disability, Whaikaha, NZ Human Rights, Inclusive Aotearoa Collective, Religious Diversity Centre and Ministry of Social Development.
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